معني the bottom line
معني the bottom line

معني the bottom line در زبان انگليسي

بررسي معني the bottom line 

در اين قسمت از آموزش زبان انگليسي در زبان علم به بررسي معني the bottom line مي پردازيم. bottom يعني ته، قسمت عمقي شيئي. line هم به معناي خط مي باشد.

با اين توضيحات معني the bottom line مي شود خط پاييني كه البته بي معنا به نظر مي رسد. با اين حال اگر چه اين اصطلاح معاني زيادي دارد اما در متون عمومي معني the bottom line عمدتا به معناي مهمترين نكته، مهمترين مسئله مدنظر و … مي باشد. مثل اينكه بگوييم مهمترين مسئله در مدرسه، مسئله آموزش مي باشد. با اين حساب شايد وجه تسميه the bottom line با اين معنا اين باشد كه براي برسجته سازي يك نكته يك شالوده، يك اساس پي ريزي مي شود و اين شالوده كه مثل پي ريزي يك ساختمان مي باشد در قسمت پايين يعني bottom انجام مي شود. تا با انجام اين كار استحكام ساختمان حفظ شود. براي حفظ انسجام يك موضوع نيز،  يك bottom line پي ريزي مي كنند. و عمده بحث بر آن موضوع متمركز مي شود.


معني the bottom line

معني the bottom line در متون عمومي به معناي مهمترين نكته، مهمترين مسئله، نكته مهم، جنبه مهم و امثال آن مي باشد.

اما با اين حال اين اصطلاح در متون تخصصي بخصوص متون تجاري، بسيار به كار برده مي شود كه تعدادي از معاني آن عبارتند از:

1-خلاصه گزارش سود و زيان كلي شركتها و سازمانها

2-مهمترين جنبه يك موقعيت، مهمترين نكته، مهمترين موضوع

3-گزارش سود و زيان شركت در يك بازه زماني

4- نتيجه نهايي

5-آخرين قيمت پيشنهادي(در مزايدات)، حداقل حقوق پيشنهادي(در قراردهاي كاري)


معني the bottom line به انگليسي همراه با مثالهاي كاربردي

the final line in the accounts of a company or organization, stating the total profit or loss that has been made:

How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?

The company’s bottom line showed a net profit of 173 million euros.

Cost-cutting moves under way at the banks should help bottom lines.

help/benefit/boost the bottom line

 Many companies see that becoming more energy efficient, recycling waste, and having a good corporate image can all help the bottom line.

hurt/impact on/affect the bottom line

When he considers a potential investment, he looks strictly at the bottom line.

the most important fact in a situation, the final result or the most important consideration of a situation, activity, or discussion,

The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.

The bottom line is that they lost the game.    

The bottom line is we don’t have enough health care professionals.

In radio, you have to keep the listener listening. That’s the bottom line.

The bottom line is, he’s gone and he’s not coming back.

The bottom line is, men don’t change very much after marriage.

Most people want to work in a place where they feel valued. That’s the bottom line.

Still, the bottom line is that Wisconsin won the game.

Accounting doesn’t change how much money you bring in; the bottom line is that their movies didn’t do well.

the total profit or loss of a company at the end of a particular period of time:

How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?

the final offer someone will accept:

Before beginning a negotiation, know your bottom line.

They will accept $235,000 for the house, and that’s their bottom line.

the least amount of money that you are willing to accept in a business deal

  • He figured the currency hedge cost Tomkins 4 million pounds on its bottom line in the first half.
  • The new mercenaries are independent firms with their own bottom line.
  • What keeps the propliners of the world still going as viable business propositions is an item known as the bottom line.
  • The bottom line for city officials: Be kind to your current employers.
  • The bottom line is, there is no stake in anyone legitimizing campaign financing.
  • They are leaving your firms as a result and that is affecting your bottom line.

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