معنی light up
معنی light up

معنی light up در زبان انگلیسی

معنی light up

معنی light up در زبان انگلیسی گاهی به معنی روشن کردن یا چراغانی کردن چیزی یا محلی است و گاهی به معنای به وجد آمدن کسی است که در چهره اش مشخص می شود.

I painted the back wall of the closet black and put a star field, which I lit up with some Christmas lights I found in the attic.

closet: کابینت

attic: اطاق كوچك زيرشيرواني


معنی light up به انگلیسی

1-become bright;to give light to a place or to shine light on something:

• The flames lit up the sky.
• The fountain is lit up at night.

2-to become bright with light or colour:

• At night the harbour lights up.
• As the screen lit up, he typed in his password.

3- if someone’s face or eyes light up, they show pleasure, excitement etc
light up with

• His eyes lit up with laughter.
• Her face lit up with pleasure.

4-to make someone’s face or eyes show pleasure or excitement:

Suddenly a smile lit up her face.
• A mischievous gleam lit up her eyes.

مطلب پیشنهادی

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